Ground Transportation

National ground transportation service, with our own and loyalized vehicles.

We transport your cargo in optimal conditions.

We have flexible solutions and a high level of service, complying with current regulations, developing technological tools to improve our service. Additionally,
we provide you with an online website where you can track your cargo.

Urban Cargo Transportation

We have our own fleet, vehicles with capacity from 500 kilos up to 5 tons, and loyalized vehicles with capacity up to 32 tons, equipped with GPS satellite tracking systems, with full coverage in the city of Bogota and surrounding municipalities.

Contact us:

Domestic Freight Transportation

Transportation services for goods in Multimodal Transportation Operations (OTM-DTA) and Nationalized Cargo. Our loyalty vehicles have a GPS satellite tracking system. We use this system to make tracking reports through our internal information systems. We handle the operations of Imports, Exports, National Distribution and RTI Service.

Contact us:

Transportation of Dangerous Goods

With the objective of strengthening commercial relationships with our clients and creating new business opportunities, Logística Repremundo has implemented the Transportation of Dangerous Goods for the year 2020,-under the guidelines of resolution 1609 of 2012-with the following authorized routes:

Cartagena – Bogotá

Buenaventura – Bogotá

Urban transportation and surrounding municipalities such as Funza, Mosquera and Siberia.

Contact us:

  • NIT 830.104.929-5
  • Operational Contact: Ana Isabel García/ Transport manager
  • E-mail:
  • Cell phone: 3164505368
  • Commercial contact: Cesar Acevedo/ Commercial Director
  • Email:
  • Cell phone: 3160271390
  • Address: Carrera 97 #24C-60/Domicilio principal
  • Logística Repremundo S.A.S
  • NIT: 830.104.929-5
  • Operational Contact: Ronald Richard Romero Martelo/ Account Analyst
  • E-mail:
  • Cell phone: 311 554 5672
  • Commercial contact: Cesar Acevedo/ Commercial Director
  • Email:
  • Cell phone: 3160271390
  • Address: Transversal 54 No. 21A-104 Oficina 804 – Centro Empresarial Bosque Ejecutivo. Cartagena, Colombia.   
  • Logística Repremundo S.A.S
  • NIT: 830.104.929-5
  • Operational Contact: Michael A. Micolta Castro/ Branch coordinator
  • E-mail:
  • PBX: (2) 2415098 Ext. 6401
  • Cell phone:  316 449 9682
  • Commercial contact: Cesar Acevedo/ Commercial Director
  • Email:
  • Cell phone: 3160271390
  • Address: Carrera 3ª # 2-13 Centro Antiguo Davivienda. Buenaventura, Colombia.


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